Education & training
Doctoral theses
There are the PhD theses denfended in 2021 and supervised by GEO3BCN-CSIC researchers.
Slab tearing, vertical tectonic motions, and the Miocene marine gateways across the Gibraltar Arc
Author: Kittiphon Boonma. University of Barcelona, October 2021. Advisors: Daniel Garcia-Castellanos and Ivone Jiménez-Munt (GEO3BCN-CSIC). Funded with the European ITN Project SUBITOP.
Numerical modeling of continental collision and intraplate deformation. Application to the Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of North Iberia
Author: Ángel Valverde University of Barcelona, February 2021. Advisors: Daniel Garcia-Castellanos and Ivone Jiménez-Munt (GEO3BCN-CSIC). Funded with the FPI from MITE Project.
Carbon capture and storage in compressional basins: global to reservoir-scale assessments and integrated case study of the Puig-reig anticline (SE Pyrenees)
Author: Xiaolong Sun University of Barcelona, Octuber 2021. Supervisors: Enrique Gómez Rivas (UB) and Juan Alcalde (GEO3BCN-CSIC).
Master Theses Projects
Basin structure of La Cerdanya from 3D gravity modelling
Author: Roberto Muñoz-Recalde
5 de julio de 2021. Supervisor: Conxi Ayala (GEO3BCN-CSIC).
Surface wave constraints in exploration for mineral systems
Author: Miguel Alonso Lucas
University of Barcelona and Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2021. Supervisors: David Marti Linares (Lithica), Martin Schimmel (GEO3BCN-CSIC), Eduard Saura Parramon (UAB and Lithica).
Estudio del Vulcanismo Reciente en la Zona Volcánica de la Garrotxa: El caso del Volcan Rocanegra
Author: Uriel Verrgara Godinez
University of Barcelona and Autonomous University of Barcelona. Supervisor: Adelina Geyer.
Multi-scale characterization of fracture and vein networks surrounding the Mena de la Sal diapir (Basque-Cantabrian Basin) using remote sensing and field analysis
Author: Laura Yenes Pérez
Universidad de Barcelona, 2021. Supervisors: Juan Alcalde (GEO3BCN), Maria-Gema Llorens (GEO3BCN), Enrique Gómez-Rivas (UB).
Gravimetric characterization of structural controls on Sn-W ore deposits
Author: Alberto Santamaría Barragán
University of Barcelona and Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2021. Supervisors: Puy Ayarza Arribas (University of Salamanca), Juan Alcalde (GEO3BCN-CSIC), David Martí Linares (Lithica SCCL).
Landscape evolution models applied to the Messinian salinity crisis
Author: Roberto Muñoz
University of Barcelona and Autonomous University of Barcelona, 2021. Supervisors: Daniel García Castellanos (GEO3BCN-CSIC) and Hanneke Heida (GEO3BCN-CSIC).
Course organization and contribution by GEO3BCN-CSIC researchers.
GEO3BCN Member: Ignacio Marzán. 13, 15, 20 and 22 April, and 1, 3, 7 and 9 June.
Joan Martí Molist (director) and Adelina Geyer (codirector). Fundació Universitat de Girona, Fundació d’Estudis Superiors d’Olot (FES), Ajuntament d’Olot and GEO3BCN-CSIC. From 18 to 31 October in Olot (Girona).
Seminar by Daniel Garcia-Castellanos (GEO3BCN-CSIC) about the Kitiphon Boonma’s thesis entitled Geodynamics of the Arc of Gibraltar. 27 October 2021 in Sorbas (Almería).
Joan Martí Molist (director). From 16 to 18 November on Tenerife (Canary Islands).
Short course and exhibit of a AR sandbox for master students of the Màster d’Ecologia, Gestió i Restauració del Medi Natural. GEO3BCN-CSIC member: Daniel Garcia Castellanos (GEO3BCN-CSIC), December 2021 at Geociencias Barcelona.
GEO3BCN member: David Cruset and Olaya Dorado. 18 November and 2 December 2021 at Institut de Formació Continua-IL3.
GEO3BCN member: Concepción Ayala. Organised by Comisión Mujeres y Geología de la Sociedad Geológica de España, in collaboration with la Asociación de Servicios Geológicos y Mineros de Iberoamérica.
TBJ: the eruption that shook the Mayan civilization in Central America. Dario Pedrazzi (GEO3BCN-CSIC). 26 January 2021, online. GEO3BCN organiser: Juan Alcalde.
Mechanical anisotropy: how do crystal-scale processes in rocks control large scale dynamics. María Gema Llorens (GEO3BCN-CSIC). 16 February 2021, online. GEO3BCN-CSIC organiser: Juan Alcalde.
The role for geologists in geothermal energy. David McNamara (University of Liverpool). 23 March 2021, online. GEO3BCN organiser: Juan Alcalde.
Alzamiento Neógeno en Patagonia Austral y su vinculación con el desarrollo de una ventana astenosférica. Pilar Ávila (Universidad Nacional de Córdoba en Agentina). 21 April 2021, online. GEO3BCN organiser: Daniel García-Castellanos.
Thermal state of permafrost and environmental dynamics. Marc Oliva (Universitat de Barcelona). 25 May 2021, online. GEO3BCN organiser: María Gema Llorens.
Estudio geofísico de las descargas de aguas subterráneas en el océano y de las grandes barreras hidrogeológicas en O‘ahu y Big Island (Hawai, EEUU). Stéphanie Barde-Cabusson, (Hawai’i Institute of Geophysics and Planetology) 1 June 2021, online. GEO3BCN organiser: Joan Martí.
InTarsis project: using Sentinel-1 to improve monitoring capacities of mining sector. Ignacio Marzán (GEO3BCN-CSIC). 15 June 2021, online. GEO3BCN organiser: Juan Alcalde.
Best investment opportunity in the Cooper Basin (SEG-EVOLVE) with Greenhouse Geological Gas Storage Reservoir. Pedro Delforge, Elvin Babayev, Anastassiya Shevelyova, Onat Yakisik, Alessandro Pascazio, Abdelmjid Zeroual and Frank Thomas (SEG Evolve 2021 program team from University of Perugia). 13 July 2021, online. GEO3BCN organiser: Juan Alcalde.
Quantifying early diagenetic transformations in lacustrine carbonates: Insights from laboratory experiments. Ramón Mercedes (Autonomous University of Barcelona). 16 December 2021, online. GEO3BCN Organiser: María Gema Llorens.
Seismic anisotropy of temperate ice in polar ice sheets. Maria Gema Llorens. 11 January 2021, online. Organised by Institut des Géosciences de l’Environment IGE Grenoble, GDR Recrystallisation meeting.
On the use of seismic data to monitor anthropogenic activity. Jordi Diaz. 12 January 2021, online. Organised by SEISMONOMICS Morning. Center for Advances Studies, Joint Research Centre, European Comission, Ispra (Italy).
Estimating geological CO2 storage security to deliver on climate mitigation. Juan Alcalde, 4 February 2021, online. Organised by Sezione di Georisorse & Energia, Società Geologica Italiana.
Spring 2021 Wyoming Geophysical Society Distinguished Lecturer Series | Alpine Intraplate mountain range: The case of the Iberian Central System. Ramon Carbonell. 12 March 2021, online. Organised by Wyoming Geophysical Society.
Dynamic recrystallisation in Rocks. Maria Gema Llorens. 16 de marzo de 2021, online. Organised by MTEX numerical code for Rock texture analysis Workshop, Chemnitz, Alemania.
CIMNE Severo Ochoa Coffe Talk | Was the Mediterranean once a desert? Messinian Salinity Crisis: 50 years of controversy and recent advances from a modelling perspective. Hanneke Heida. 1 September, online.
La investigación del hielo polar. María Gema Llorens. November 2021 at Universidad de Valencia.
Seismic noise-based imaging and monitoring with the phase coherence approach. Martin Schimmel. 4 November 2021 at Mexico. Organised by RAUGM Geociencias e inclusión.
8ª Jornadas Técnicas de Aminer | Interferometría de ruido sísmico para el monitoreo y caracterización del subsuelo. Martin Schimmel. 18 November 2021.
Spectro Expo 2021 | Workshop Hyperspectral Sensing meets Machine Learning and Pattern Analysis (HyperMLPA): Machine-Learning Classification Of Proximal Conventional And Hyper-Spectral Imagery. From 24 to 26 March 2021, online. Agustí Lobo. YouTube video
Taller de mapas y cortes geológicos para instituto. 12 November and 3 December 2021. Place: Universidad de Salamanca. GEO3BCN member: Olivia Lozano Blanco.
Seminars & lectures
Formal talks, conferences and workshops carried out or organised by GEO3BCN-CSIC researchers.
Master degree teachers
At University of Barcelona and Autonomous University of Barcelona.
GEO3BCN members: Juan Alcalde, Ramon Carbonell, Daniel García-Castellanos, Ivone Jiménez Munt and Jaume Vergés.
At University of Barcelona and Autonomous University of Barcelona.
GEO3BCN member: Adelina Geyer and Dario Pedrazzi.
At Autonomous University of Barcelona.
GEO3BCN member: Agustín Lobo Aleu.